5 Signs of Dehydrated Skin on Face: Problems You Need to Know

 Signs of dehydrated skin on face

Table of contents:
1: Overview
2: What is dehydration?
    2.1: What does dehydration do to the body?
    2.2: What does dehydration do to the skin?
3: Dehydrated Vs Dry Vs Oily Skin
    3.1: Dehydrated skin vs. dry skin? 
    3.2: Dehydrated skin vs. oily skin?
4: What are the signs of dehydrated skin on face vs. body?
    4.1: What are the signs of dehydrated skin on face?
    4.2: What do signs of dehydrated skin on face look like in pictures?
    4.3: What are the signs of dehydration in the body?
    4.4: How to know dehydrated skin at home?
           4.4.1: Try this “PINCH TEST” to see if you are dehydrated!
5: What are the expert-recommended ways to treat dehydrated skin?
    5.1: What does dehydrated skin need?
    5.2: What is the objective of treating skin that is dehydrated?
    5.3: What are the most effective ingredients to treat dehydration in the skin?
    5.4: Here are some helpful tips for treating signs of dehydrated skin on face and body at home.
6: Do you have to see a doctor for dehydration?
7: Summary


A water imbalance in our body hinders the proper functioning of the body and the skin.
Your skin is a primary barrier between your body and external agents. Dehydration can affect the barrier function of the skin. When an insufficient amount of water is transported to the skin, It shows various signs of dehydration.

Many people confuse dehydration with dry skin because some symptoms are similar. Also, a person can have oily skin and dehydration at the same time, which makes it difficult to identify.
In this article, you will understand dehydration and the most common signs of dehydrated skin on face.  
So, let’s get started!  

What is dehydration?

The body is 70% water. It uses water to function properly.
When a person is dehydrated, their body lacks water content. If you are out too much in hot weather or doing vigorous physical activities, you can easily get dehydrated. You might feel a bit dizzy or light-headed.
Usually, such symptoms are mild and can go away after proper hydration. However, Extreme dehydration can be dangerous.
Therefore, it is important to understand the various signs of dehydrated skin on face and body.  

What does dehydration do to the body?

Usually, when our body does not have enough fluids, it becomes dehydrated. Another way through which a person can be dehydrated is when the body releases more water than it takes in.
This can happen due to excessive sweating, urination, diarrhea, and other illnesses. That is why we are more prone to dehydration when we are sick.
When the body Lacks water and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium, it becomes susceptible to dehydration. These electrolytes and water help in

  • Removing toxins from your body.
  • Balance the body’s internal acid/ base pH levels.
  • Maintain proper functioning of our organs such as the heart, brain, etc.
  • Help maintain water balance in our body.
A fluid imbalance in our body can hinder proper functioning. In extreme cases, it can affect your daily activities by causing confusion, fatigue, nervous breakdown, and weakening muscles.   

What does dehydration do to the skin?

Water is also essential for the proper functioning of the skin.
Your skin is a primary barrier between your body and external agents. The stratum corneum (SC), which is the outermost layer of the epidermis or skin, performs an essential skin barrier function and prevents excessive transepidermal water loss (TEWL) or water loss.
When your skin suffers from dehydration, it also affects the barrier function in the epidermis. Skin becomes the first thing to stop receiving water to get fluids to the essential organs of your body.
The skin on your face is more sensitive than your body. Therefore, it will show many early signs of dehydrated skin on face. When an insufficient amount of water is transported to the skin, it can visibly appear dry and flaky.
Poor skin elasticity is also the cause of the abnormal state of skin turgor that happens when we do not have enough water in the body. In this case, the skin becomes tight and cracked.
Studies have shown that dehydration can cause blood vessels and underlying tissue to shrink. The thin skin under the eye appears darker and sunken (Dark circles).

Dehydrated Vs Dry Vs Oily Skin

Dehydrated skin vs. dry skin? 

Dry skin is one of the skin types, which produces less sebum or oil than needed. In this case, the barrier function of the skin is not sufficient to produce moisture within the layer of your skin causing dry skin. 
The most common causes of dry skin are environmental exposures such as low-humidity weather, long hot showers, sun exposure, harsh and chemical soaps, and aging. Lack of moisture in the epidermis or skin makes it look scaly and rough. 
Mild or moderate dry skin can be easily treated by investing in a good moisturizer but severe treatment may require a dermatologist’s advice.
Dehydrated skin occurs when the skin lacks water. It is a skin condition that can happen with dry and oily skin types. 
Water deficiency in the skin can affect your body as well as your face. Feeling itchy and dry are some common signs of dehydrated skin on face.

See this article on dehydrated skin vs dry skin.

Dehydrated skin vs. oily skin?

Our body produces natural oils called sebum to keep our skin moisturized. However, oily skin has overactive sebaceous glands that can produce excess oil within the pores that can come at the surface of the skin making it appear shiny and greasy.
Excess sebum on your skin mixes with dead skin cells. This can clog pores and cause acne.
Just like dry skin, a person can suffer from both oily and dehydrated skin at the same time.

See this article on dehydrated skin vs oily skin.

What are the signs of dehydrated skin on face vs. body?

What are the signs of dehydrated skin on face?

Dehydrated skin appears similar to dry skin, although the causes of both are quite different. Signs of dehydrated skin on face are:
1: Dull, tired-looking skin: Without proper hydration, dead skin cells in the body do not shed properly. It builds up on your skin, which makes your complexion dry and dull.

2: Sunken eyes and dark under-eye circles: The skin around the eyes is relatively thinner than other parts of our body. When your skin lacks moisture, skin tissues shrink.

The area around our eyes becomes even more thin. It makes our blood vessels and orbital bones inside our skin more visible.

It gives a discolored and hollowing appearance around the eyes.

3: Fine lines, wrinkles, and less skin elasticity: Dehydration can form lines on various parts of your face. Such lines are less deep and come and go from time to time.
Decreased skin turgor is one of the signs of dehydrated skin on face and body. The elasticity of your skin decreases due to the lack of moisture in the skin. It becomes less plump and your skin will remain elevated after pinching it for a few seconds.

4: Itching, irritating, and sensitive skin: Dehydrated skin can disrupt skin barrier function. When the barrier does not perform well, foreign bacteria and pollutants in the environment can easily get into the epidermis (the outer layer of our skin).

This can further escalate itchiness, inflammation, and sensitivity.

5: Breakouts: Dehydrated skin can have an oily shiny complexion and a feeling of dryness at the same time. It happens because when our skin lacks moisture, our skin produces more oil to compensate.

Excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells on the face and clogs pores. This leads to acne breakouts.

What do signs of dehydrated skin on face look like in pictures? 

signs of dehydrated skin on face- Dull skinsigns of dehydrated skin on face- dark circlessigns of dehydrated skin on face- acne breakoutssigns of dehydrated skin on face- dehydration linessigns of dehydrated skin on face- sensitive skin

What are the signs of dehydration in the body?

Dehydration can affect your whole body. Water comprises almost 70 percent of your body weight. Hence water deficiency can affect normal body functions. You usually lose water from your body through urine, and sweat.
It helps remove toxins and maintains the body temperature, especially in hot or warm weather. Therefore, you will get dehydrated if you do not replace lost fluids.
Just like how there are several signs of dehydrated skin on face, our body also shows many signs.

Most early signs of dehydration in the body are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Thirst
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Sweet cravings
  • Headaches
  • Dry skin on the body 

Extreme dehydration in the body can cause symptoms like:

  • Confusion and light-headedness
  • Extreme thirst even after drinking water
  • Darker and less frequent urine
  • Extreme weakness and dizziness that do not go away
  • Rapid heartbeat and breathing 

How to know dehydrated skin at home?

The above symptoms can usually tell if you have dehydrated skin. However, there is one more test that you can do at home, to know if you are dehydrated.
The pinch test can check the skin elasticity of your skin. It can show you if you are dehydrated without needing to know all the signs of dehydrated skin on face and body.

Try this “PINCH TEST” to see if you are dehydrated!

Step 1: Pinch your cheek or the back of your hand for a few seconds.
Step 2: After letting go, if your skin quickly bounces back, it's likely hydrated. If it does not, you are dehydrated.

Your skin contains 64% water, in the dermis and the stratum corneum (the outer layer of skin). Collagen and elastin present in the dermis (middle layer of skin) keep skin flexible and help retain shape after being stretched.
Skin that is inflexible and inelastic, is one of the most common signs of dehydrated skin on face and body. 
Collagen is approximately 70% of skin weight and has a high content of water. When you are dehydrated, less water is transferred to the skin. collagen practically dries out and lack of water affects the mechanical properties of elastin significantly.


What are the expert-recommended ways to treat dehydrated skin?

What does dehydrated skin need?

Dehydrated skin lacks water. Too much exercise, hot weather conditions, and illness can all lead to excessive water loss. When you do not make up for the lost moisture in your body, it makes your skin feel uncomfortable and dull-looking.
Internal dehydration requires,

  • Oral hydration such as drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Getting additional hydration through electrolyte drinks.
  • Incorporating more water-rich food into your diet.
  • Using hydrating moisturizers and water-based products on the face.

These tips can help you reduce such signs of dehydrated skin on face and body.

What is the objective of treating skin that is dehydrated?

Your goal in treating dehydrated skin is to remove internal dehydration and keep inner moisture by preventing excess transepidermal water loss (TEWL).
With harsh weather conditions, pollutants, and foreign threats such as bacteria and allergens trying to break our skin barrier function, drinking enough water is insufficient.
Using topical skin care products can help in making up for the extra hydration necessary for the skin.

What are the most effective ingredients to treat dehydration in the skin?

When your skin is moisture-less, it's advisable to use products that either help in locking moisture by resisting water evaporation from the skin or draw water/moisture from the environment.
Humectants are the most effective for those with dehydrated skin. Humectants are a group of ingredients that pull moisture from the air into the skin. 


Here are some of the ingredients you should use to reduce signs of dehydrated skin on face and body: 

S. No


Dehydrated skin

Dry skin

Oily Skin


Hyaluronic acid





Aloe Vera


Vitamin B5







Snail mucin



1: Hyaluronic acid:  When in need of hydration, this acid is among the most sought-after ingredients in skincare products. This humectant will hydrate your skin by pulling moisture from the environment.

It is best to use it on damp skin and put moisturizer as the next skincare step to lock the moisture.

2: Glycerine: It is another humectant that is usually found in skincare products. This moisturizing agent pulls water from the dermis layer of your skin to the outer layer of your skin.
It is usually recommended to use products containing glycerine as an ingredient rather than applying it in pure form.

3: Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera gel contains 98% water and antioxidants that suit every skin type. It promotes the production of collagen.

It is a natural moisturizer that seals the skin’s moisture and oil. You can directly use the gel from the plant or buy it from a health store.

4: Vitamin B5: Also known as Panthenol, is an excellent humectant that draws water from the environment and retains it in the skin. This water-binding active ingredient works even with the most sensitive skin. 

5: Ceramides: Even if you do not have dehydrated skin, ceramides are a must-have ingredient in a skincare product.

It helps in improving skin barrier function and these fatty acids prevent transepidermal water loss (TWL) and aid in skin hydration.

6: Peptides: Just like ceramides, peptides promote stronger barrier function by making proteins such as collagen and elastin. It also locks in hydration by promoting hyaluronic acid production.

7: Snail Mucin: Its incredible hydrating and healing properties help in improving the skin elasticity of the most dehydrated skin. It promotes collagen production and is especially beneficial for dry skin.

Here are some helpful tips for treating signs of dehydrated skin on face and body at home. 

1: Drink a lot of water: First and foremost, the remedy for dehydrated skin is to drink plenty of water. At least 8 glasses for women and 11 glasses for men each day.
2: Eat water-rich foods: Vegetables and fruits rich in water and electrolytes will give an additional boost of hydration. These foods will provide a certain number of electrolytes to balance the water content in your body.
3: Simplify your skincare routine: Skip harsh, chemical-based products and opt for hydrating ingredients in products. Minimalizing your skincare routine to 2-3 steps and giving it a break from all the actives.
4: Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Exercising regularly and sleeping early will not only improve your mindset but also your skin. Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic drinks and processed foods as much as possible as they can all lead to dehydration.

Do you have to see a doctor for dehydration?

As we mentioned earlier there are many signs of dehydrated skin on face and body. However, the intensity of these signs may vary.
Mild dehydration symptoms can go away with drinking enough water and water-rich foods. You can also opt for moisture-rich skincare products to protect your skin barrier function.
These may be easily treated at home by following tips from this article.
However, in case of severe dehydration symptoms in your body, you should consult your doctor and get proper treatment without any delay.


Dehydrated skin appears similar to dry skin, although the causes of both are quite different. The visible appearance of dry and flaky skin, poor skin elasticity, continuous acne breakouts, dark circles, and increased sensitivity are some signs of dehydrated skin on face.
Dehydration can affect your whole body. The earliest signs of dehydration in the body are dry mouth, thirst, and dark yellow urine. 
The “Pinch Test” can check the skin elasticity of your skin. It helps in understanding whether a person is dehydrated or not.
If you are dehydrated, you should make up for the lost moisture in your body by drinking enough water and eating water-rich food.
If you are facing signs of dehydrated skin on face, having a simple skincare routine with ingredients such as Hyaluronic acid, Glycerine, Aloe Vera, Panthenol, Ceramides, peptides, and snail mucin is beneficial.